North East Writers


North East Writers

Mailing List

To be kept up to date with major North East Writers news, join the mailing list by sending an email with the subject "SUBSCRIBE North East Writers" to

You can leave the mailing list at any time by sending an email with the subject "UNSUBSCRIBE North East Writers" to

News Feeds

RSS Feed

The North East Writers RSS news feed was discontinued in 2011 due to lack of the resources required to maintain it. Usage of the RSS feed is less easy to monitor than our other output channels, so we had no way of knowing how many people were subscribed to it, but nobody has commented on its disappearance.

For comprehensive news on the wider literary scene in North-East Scotland, keep an eye on the North East Writers calendar throughout the year.

You can also find us on Facebook as and on Twitter as

Note that the Facebook feed can also be subscribed to as an RSS feed if you find RSS convenient. Please note also that you do not need to have an account on Facebook or Twitter to view these feeds.


For any other enquiries, contact Please note however that we have limited resources to answer emails, so you should search first for the information you require on the North East Writers website before emailing. We thank you for your co-operation in this!

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